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Ke Skalám 651
261 01 Příbram

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Ke Skalám 651
261 01 Příbram

Telefon: +420 607 648 714
E-mail: vibrace@vibros.cz

Company Identification

Id.No: 61683850
V.A.T. Id. No: CZ 61683850

The company is registered at the City Court in Prague, Commercial Register, section C/37848

Banking account

CSOB - Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka
subsidiary in Pribram 
Zahradnicka 71, 261 01 Pribram

IBAN (for CZK): CZ39 0300 0000 0001 0326 6944
IBAN (for EUR): CZ12 0300 0000 0002 2673 6790 

Contact persons

Ing. Miroslav Šála
technical office

Mobil: +420 607 648 714
E-mail: sala@vibros.cz

Ing. Petr Čermák
finance manager

Telefon: +420 318 638 376
Mobil: +420 725 580 028
E-mail: cermak@vibros.cz

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